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The Ultimate Guide to Large House Plants: Nature’s Majestic Touch in Your Home

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  • Post last modified:April 28, 2024

Welcome to the Large House Plants Ultimate Guide! Over the past several years, there has been a huge increase in interest in big house plants as more and more people learn firsthand the advantages of having lots of massive, beautiful plants in their homes. Besides from their amazing beauty, these enormous greens have many other benefits, such as  improving our mental health and cleaning the air in our homes.

Advantages Of Large House Plants

Enhancement Of Air Quality

One of the most acclaimed advantages of large house plants is that they effectively ameliorate indoor air quality. Studies show the Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens) and Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica), as determined by NASA research, especially efficient at filtering out harmful toxin and pollution. These plants act as natural air cleaner, in the essence that they take in carbon dioxides and give out oxygen in return, thus refreshing the breath air.

Aesthetic Value

There’s no way one will fail to notice how huge house plants appear indoors especially in the interior design. Plants such as the Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata) with its big, shiny leaves can instantly flower a certain spot in any living space into an area of interest and some sense of sophistication and fresh air to it. From minimalist designs to bohemian aesthetics, plant incorporation into home décor intended bring in a piece of nature indoor and also complements and enhances the different design esthetics.

Positive psychology

Looking after the plants can in actual fact be very rewarding. The process of nurturing a living thing has been shown to reduce stress and improve mental health. With large house plants such as Monstera Deliciosa in your living room, it guarantees a calming and serene space that becomes an oasis from the daily commotion of life.

  • Fact: An indoor plant can help increase productivity and concentration by up to 15%, as per research conducted at the University of Exeter.

In Summary

  • Air Purification: Plants like Areca Palm and Rubber Plant excel in removing toxins.
  • Design Element: Fiddle Leaf Fig and others enhance interior aesthetics.
  • Mental Health: Plant care such as that of Monstera Deliciosa reduces stress.

Top 10 Large House Plants for Your Home

Kickstarting on your indoor gardening journey begins with picking the perfect plants. Here is a curated list of top 10 large house plants that add beauty to your space without being unmanageable.

10 Large House Plants for Your Home
  1. Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata): Brilliantly elegant with violin-shaped leaves, it’s the most excellent modern houseplant. Likes bright indirect light and permanent watering.
  2. Monstera Deliciosa: Also known as “Swiss Cheese Plant” with bright leaves that differ from all other plants due to their large splits and holes. It can support moderate to bright indirect light and shall be watered around every one or two weeks.
  3. Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica): It is elegant yet sturdy with its dark, glossy leaves. It requires bright indirect light and in addition to this tolerates irregular watering, thus making it one of the easiest house plants to have.
  4. Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia): With banana-like leaves that are large, this plant adds a great deal to the tropical look. It needs bright light and will appreciate regular watering to keep it growing well.
  5. Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens):This palm is kind of like a natural humidifier and air purifier. It loves bright, indirect light, as well as being turgidly moist.
  6. Dragon Tree (Dracaena): Featuring dramatic, architectural form, it enjoys low light and moderate watering.
  7. ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia): The ZZ plant is virtually indestructible and perfect for those individuals who do not exactly have green thumbs. Its preference runs under low light conditions and it only needs minimal watering.
  8. Philodendron: Although, there are very many and varied shapes and sizes that Philodendrons take, all plants are versatile very low maintenance. They do best in medium to bright indirect light conditions with consistent moisture from regular fresh water applications.
  9. Yucca: The yucca is a bold, dramatic little tree look-a-like interfacing well with bright light and tolerating some dryness.
  10. Majesty Palm (Ravenea rivularis): A regal plant having an ultimate grand ambiance. This large green-leaved plant demands shiny indirect light, while the soil should be kept consistently moist.

Interested in adding these plants to your home? Make sure it’s safe for your furry friends with our guide on pet-friendly houseplants.

Table: Plant Care Overview

Plant NameLight RequirementsWatering Needs
Fiddle Leaf FigBright, indirect lightConsistent watering
Monstera DeliciosaMedium to bright lightModerate watering
Rubber PlantBright, indirect lightTolerates irregular watering
Bird of ParadiseBright lightRegular watering
Areca PalmBright, indirect lightConsistent moisture
Dragon TreeLower light conditionsModerate watering
ZZ PlantLow lightMinimal watering
PhilodendronMedium to bright lightRegular watering
YuccaBright lightTolerates some drought
Majesty PalmBright, indirect lightConsistent moisture

Learn more about mastering plant hydration for your large house plants for our Essential Tips for Watering Your Indoor Plants.

Case Study: The Impact of Plant Choice

For instance, a study in the University of Melbourne shows that large house plants hold transformative power within an office setting. As per the report, just by incorporating plants such as Rubber Plant and Fiddle Leaf Fig into the corporations, tension and anxiety shown among the officers were reduced by 37%. This reminder is to choose these plants carefully paying attention not only from the profit of how the plants look but also from a possible psychological benefit perspective of being surrounded by greenery.


  • Light and water requirements will vary for each plant.
  • Pick plants that will create the desired ambiance with your space and enhance psychological well-being.
  • Choose your plants bearing in mind their aesthetics needs as well as care requirement.

Caring for Your Large House Plants

Large house plants need proper care for good health, and long life too. Below mentioned are some of the important parts of caring that are given below are watering, lighting provided to the plants, soil and fertilization, pruning and maintenance. Learn how to nourish your large house plants with our eco-friendly plant care guide.

Plants Caring

Watering: Tips and Common Mistakes

Best Practices

  • Soil Moisture Check: The first inch of soil must be checked before watering, if dry then only water it.
  • Consistency: Develop consistency in watering habits. Stagnant water as well as total lack of water is not good for plants.
  • Drainage: There must be adequate drainage arrangements in the pots in which your plants are growing to avoid rotting of roots.

Common Mistakes

  • Overwatering: Overwatering may well be rooted in root rot. Foliar yellowing and dropping is a sign of overwatering for the plant.
  • Underwatering: Visible wilting or browning, crisp leaves also indicate insufficiency of water supply.

Lighting: Ideal Environmental

Every single plant has various light requirements:

  • Fiddle Leaf Fig: It enjoys bright and indirect light but refrains from keeping it under direct sunlight that may scorch its leaves.
  • ZZ Plant: It thrives well in low light conditions, but prefers bright, indirectly lit areas.

Tip: : Rotating all of the plants once in a while will allow them to receive exposure from indirect sunrays equally.

Soil and Fertilization: Habitat Rich in Nutrients

  • Type of Soil: Potting mix suitable for indoor plants should be used. Certain plants require exclusive mixes like those for orchids.
  • Fertilization: During the growing season, fertilizers should be applied monthly, ranging in spring and summer. Reduce the pace or stop fertilizing during winter as plant growth continues to decline.

Pruning and Maintenance: Maintaining a Healthy Plant

  • Pruning: Regular pruning for yellowing leaves and dead foliage should be ensured. Pinching the tips of new growths can make the plant bushier.
  • Cleaning: Wiping off dust on the leaves with a damp cloth improves breathability and light absorption by the plant.

Table: Seasonal Care

SeasonCare Tips
SpringStart fertilizing; increase watering
SummerMonitor for pests; keep soil moist
FallReduce watering; prepare for dormancy
WinterLimit watering; stop fertilizing

Expert Quote

Dr. Elaine Ingham, a soil scientist, emphasizes, “The key to healthy plants begins with the soil. Proper nutrition and pH balance in the soil are fundamental for plant health.”


  • Moisture- Regularly supply moisture to the soil and provide water if necessary.
  • Light- Provide proper light according to each individual plant’s specifications.
  • A soil type appropriate to the type of plant, fertilizing during the growing season.
  • Maintain plants by pruning and for health as well as aesthetic purposes.

For seasonal maintenance tips for your large houseplants, click here.

Ideas of how to be creative in enjoying large house plants

Large indoor plants are more than plants, they are dynamic works of art. And how you exhibit them will greatly impact the aesthetics and the feel of your space. Here are creative and functional ways to show off these beauties.

Creative Ways to Display Large House Plants

Different Styles of Planters and Stands


  • In material varieties: From ceramic to metal, wood to re-cycled. Each material has different feel – classic in ceramic, industrial when it is metal, natural rustic look with wood.
  • Designs and Colors: Choose planters that fuse the decor of your home. Bold colors will be statement makers while soft, neutral colors flow with the other home decor.


  • Varying Heights: For an eye appealing effect and layering, try stands with different heights.
  • Mobility of the plants: Consideration to use stands with wheels that can be easily moved around, especially for the larger plants sometimes needing to be turned or moved over so as to access light.

Using Large Plants to Divide or Accentuate the Room

Dividing the Room

  • The Dragon Tree or Areca Palm Orientale for example make great natural room dividers in order to define separate areas within any open-plan spaces.

Focal Points

  • Use a large plant such as the Fiddle Leaf Fig to create a strong focal point centrally in a room, like next to a settee or in a featureless corner.

Tips for Creating Plant Displays that are Balanced and Harmonious

  • Scale and Proportion: : Balance the size of plants within the room. A large plant in a small room, one should be its own feature while several large plants can fill a larger space.
  • Grouping: Group all the varied heights and leaf shaped plants together to make a show from every corner.

Incorporating Large Plants to Different Room Settings

  • Living Room: Such large plants ranging from Monstera to Majesty Palm can always add life to the living room under every corner table or beside couches.
  • Office: A Rubber Plant or ZZ Plant make a great accessory to the home office, adding that touch of green as well as improving air quality.
  • Bedroom: A Dragon Tree plant is ideal in the bedroom, which thrives under low-light conditions.

Case Study: How Plants Can Improve the Room’s Aesthetics

The study conducted by the University of Plymouth found that those rooms which contained plants were considered to be more attractive and calming, from the ones without any. This so portrays that the effect of plants in a room can comparatively contribute much in improving the ambiance of the space where a human being has to spend long hours of his life.

In Brief

  • Planters and stands need to harmonize with your decor besides functional requirements.
  • Natural room dividers for large house plants or a focal point of interest in the room can be created with these plants.
  • The scale and proportion of the room vis-à-vis the plants need to be balanced against the display off.
  • There should be plants in a number of rooms to enhance the appeal and ambiance of the place.

Typically Encountered Problems and Solutions for Large House Plants

Sometimes, caring for large house plants can be very challenging. From pests to problems with watering, the solution to the most common houseplant problems might be far simpler than one would think.

Products treatment

Pests and Diseases

Detecting Pests and Diseases

  • There are different pests like spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs.
  • Disease symptoms can be noticed as blotches on leaves, lack of growth, or powdery stuff on the plant.


  • Isolate Infected Plants: Avoid the spread to other plants.
  • Natural Remedies: Spray neem oil or insecticidal soap for pests.
  • Proper Care: In most cases, pests and diseases result or are brought about by improper care. Ensure your plants are in proper environmental conditions with appropriate watering as well as light.

Dealing With Over or Under-Watering Problems

Signs and Solutions

  • Over-Watering: Yellow leaves and leaf drop, or root rot. Give the soil more time to dry out between watering’s, and supply a container in which to plant with drainage.
  • Under-Watering: Wilted leaves or dried out and crispy leaves. Water it more regularly, and consider setting up a self-watering system for consistency.

Correcting Insufficient Light Problems

  • Rearrange: Move your plants to either part of your home that is closer to natural lights or a brighter room.
  • Artificial Light: Where there is limited natural light, grow lights can be used.

Table: Common Plant Problems and Solutions

PestsVisible bugs, leaf damageNeem oil, isolate plant
DiseasesSpots on leaves, powdery residueFungicides, improve care conditions
Over-WateringYellow leaves, root rotReduce watering, improve drainage
Under-WateringWilting, dry leavesIncrease watering, self-watering pots
Low LightStunted growth, weak stemMove to brighter area, use grow lights

Expert Advice

Gardening expert and author of “The House Plant Expert,” Dr. D.G. Hessayon, emphasizes the importance of understanding the specific needs of each plant. He notes, “A good gardener is not one who does not make mistakes but one who learns how to deal with them.”


  • Regularly inspect your plants for signs of pests and diseases, and take prompt action.
  • Adjust watering practices to suit the plant’s needs and environmental conditions.
  • Ensure plants receive adequate light, supplementing with artificial sources if necessary.

Where to Buy and How to Choose the Right Plant

Selecting the right large houseplant for your space involves both art and science. This section provides guidelines for selecting and purchasing healthy plants.

Tips on Selecting Healthy Plants from Nurseries or Stores

  1. Examine Plant Health: Choose plants with healthy, green foliage. Yellowing or wilting leaves can indicate poor health or neglect.
  2. Check for Pests: Check the undersides of leaves and the soil for pests or diseases.
  3. Root Health: Look for plants with firm, white roots. Avoid those with mushy or black roots.

Online Plant Shop Recommendations

  • The Sill: Known for a wide variety of healthy, potted plants and excellent customer service.
  • Bloomscape: Offers a range of large plants with detailed care instructions, perfect for beginners.
  • PlantX: A great source for eco-friendly and sustainable plant options.

Remember: When shopping online, read reviews and understand the return policy in case the plant arrives in poor condition.

Considerations for Plant Size, Potting, and Transport

  • Size: Make sure the plant size is suitable for your space and consider its potential to grow larger.
  • Potting: Check if the plant comes potted. If not, you’ll need a suitable pot and potting mix.
  • Transport: Consider delivery options or prepare your vehicle for safely transporting large plants

Table: Factors to Consider When Buying a Plant

HealthGreen leaves, no pests, healthy roots
SizeFit for your space, potential growth
PottingDoes it come potted? Need for potting mix
TransportDelivery options, vehicle preparation for pickup

Case Study: Impact of the Right Plant Choice

A National Gardening Association survey found that plant buyers who received guidance in plant selection were 23% more satisfied than those who didn’t. This underscores the importance of making informed decisions when choosing plants.


  • Carefully inspect plants for health and pests before purchasing.
  • Consider reputable online plant shops for convenience.
  • Take into account the plant’s size, potting needs, and transport logistics.

Incorporating Large House Plants into Various Decor Styles

Large house plants can complement and enhance different interior decor styles. Whether you’re a fan of modern minimalism, cozy bohemian vibes, or classic traditional decor, there’s a way to integrate these natural elements seamlessly. Let’s explore how to match plants with various styles and the impact they can make.

Modern and Minimalist Decor

  • Plants: Opt for plants with bold, architectural shapes like the Yucca or Snake Plant.
  • Planters: Use simple, clean-lined planters in monochrome colors.
  • Placement: Position plants as standalone pieces or in corners to maintain a clutter-free look.

Bohemian and Eclectic Styles

  • Plants: Choose plants with lush foliage and cascading leaves, like the Monstera or Spider Plant.
  • Planters: Experiment with colorful, patterned, or textured planters.
  • Arrangement: Group plants of different sizes and types to create a relaxed, bohemian feel.

Traditional Decor

  • Plants: Select classic plants like the Rubber Plant or Majesty Palm.
  • Planters: Use ornate or decorative planters that complement traditional furniture.
  • Integration: Place plants next to bookshelves, fireplaces, or in formal dining areas.

Tips for Balancing Scale and Proportion with Room Size and Furniture

  • Scale: Choose plants proportional to your room size. A large plant in a small room should be a focal point, not an overpowering element.
  • Harmony: Ensure the plant’s style harmonizes with the room’s existing decor and color scheme.

Case Studies: Successful Plant Integration in Different Settings

  1. Urban Apartment: In a small, modern apartment, a tall Fiddle Leaf Fig in a sleek, white planter creates a dramatic yet minimalist statement.
  2. Bohemian Studio: A collection of varied plants like Philodendron, Pothos, and Boston Fern in eclectic pots adds life and personality to a bohemian-style studio.

Table: Matching Plants with Décor Style

Decor StylePlant SuggestionsPlanter Style
Modern/MinimalistYucca, Snake PlantMonochrome, clean-lined
Bohemian/EclecticMonstera, Spider PlantColorful, textured
TraditionalRubber Plant, Majesty PalmOrnate, decorative


  • Select plants and planters that complement your home’s decor style.
  • Consider the scale and harmony of the plants with your room and furniture
  • Use case studies and examples as inspiration for integrating plants into different decor styles.

The Science Behind Large House Plants

Understanding the science of large house plants not only deepens our appreciation but also enables us to take better care of them. This section examines research on plants and air quality, their contributions to temperature and humidity regulation, and the growth and life cycle of popular houseplants.

Exploring Research on Plants and Air Quality

  • NASA Clean Air Study: This landmark study found that certain house plants, like the Areca Palm and the Snake Plant, are effective at removing toxins like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the air.
  • Mechanism: Plants absorb pollutants through their leaves, and the toxins are then broken down by microorganisms in the soil.

Understanding Plants’ Contribution to Humidity and Temperature Regulation

  • Humidity: Plants release moisture into the air through a process called transpiration, which can help increase indoor humidity levels, beneficial during dry winter months.
  • Temperature: Plants can have a cooling effect. As they transpire, the process of water evaporation from their leaves can help slightly lower room temperatures.
  • Fiddle Leaf Fig: Known for its slow to moderate growth rate. Thrives in stable temperatures and indirect light.
  • Monstera Deliciosa: Exhibits fast growth under optimal conditions. Prefers humid environments and can develop fenestrations (holes) in its leaves as it matures.
PlantToxins RemovedLight Requirements
Areca PalmBenzene, FormaldehydeBright, indirect light
Snake PlantFormaldehyde, TrichloroethyleneLow to bright light
Rubber PlantFormaldehyde, TrichloroethyleneBright, indirect light

Expert Opinion

Dr. B.C. Wolverton, the lead researcher of the NASA Clean Air Study, states, “House plants can purify and rejuvenate air within our houses and workplaces, safeguarding us from any side effects connected with prevalent toxins like ammonia.”


  • Certain house plants are effective in improving indoor air quality by removing harmful toxins.
  • Plants contribute to regulating humidity and temperature in indoor environments.
  • Understanding the growth patterns and requirements of your plants ensures better care and longevity.

DIY Projects and Care Tips for Large House Plants

Caring for large houseplants can be a rewarding experience, especially when you incorporate DIY accessories. This section provides step-by-step instructions for repotting, homemade plant care tools, and making your own plant nutrient and pest control solutions.

Step-by-Step Guide for Repotting Large Plants

  1. Choose the Right Time: Spring is usually the best time for repotting, as plants are entering their growth phase.
  2. Select a Pot: The new pot should be slightly larger than the current one, with good drainage.
  3. Prepare the Potting Mix: Use a mix appropriate for your plant type. You can create your own mix by combining peat, pine bark, and coarse sand.
  4. Remove the Plant: Gently take the plant out of its current pot, being careful not to damage the roots.
  5. Repot: Place some potting mix in the bottom of the new pot, position the plant, and fill around it with more mix.
  6. Water Thoroughly: After repotting, water the plant to help settle the soil.

DIY Plant Care Tools and Accessories

  • Self-Watering System: Create a self-watering system using a bottle with small holes in the cap. Bury it upside down near the plant for slow, steady watering.
  • Humidity Tray: Fill a tray with pebbles and water, placing the plant on top to increase humidity.

Homemade Plant Nutrition and Pest Control Solutions

  • Nutrition: Mix compost or coffee grounds into your soil as a natural fertilizer.
  • Pest Control: Create a natural pest spray with water, a few drops of dish soap, and neem oil.

Find out how our eco-friendly composting methods can benefit your large house plants.

Table: DIY Care Tips for Large House Plants

DIY ProjectInstructions
RepottingChoose the right pot and mix; repot in spring
Self-Watering SystemUse a bottle with holes for slow watering
Humidity TrayTray with pebbles and water for increased humidity
NutritionAdd compost or coffee grounds to soil
Pest ControlWater, dish soap, and neem oil spray for pests

Expert Insight

Gardening guru Monty Don suggests, “The key to successful plant care is observation. Paying attention to changes in your plants will guide you to care for them correctly.”


  • DIY projects can enhance your experience with large house plants and cater to their specific needs.
  • Repotting, creating homemade care tools, and using natural solutions for nutrition and pest control can be both cost-effective and environmentally friendly.


Embracing the world of large houseplants can transform your abode into a vibrant, invigorating haven. In this guide, we explored the multifaceted benefits of these green giants, from their ability to purify the air and boost mental health to their stunning effects on home decor.

Harmonious and tranquil indoor garden environment

Recap of Key Points

  • Health and Well-being: Plants like the Areca Palm and Rubber Plant improve air quality, while the act of nurturing plants like the Monstera Deliciosa can reduce stress.
  • Decorative Impact: We delved into how different plants suit various decor styles, from modern to bohemian, and how they can be used as focal points or room dividers.
  • Care and Maintenance: We covered essential care tips, highlighting the importance of correct watering, lighting, and the use of DIY tools and solutions.
  • Creative Displays: The guide provided inspiration for displaying plants creatively, aligning them with your personal style and the aesthetics of your home.

Encouragement for Personal Exploration We encourage you to explore the world of large house plants, tailoring your choices and care methods to suit your space and lifestyle. Each plant has its unique character and requirements, offering a rewarding experience as you watch them grow and thrive in your care.

Final Thought Large house plants are more than just decorative elements; they are companions that bring a piece of nature into our homes, creating a living, breathing environment that nurtures both the body and soul.