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15 Easy to Grow Houseplant Seeds Perfect for Beginners

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  • Post last modified:March 7, 2024

Growing houseplant seeds is an incredibly rewarding experience for any indoor gardener. Not only is it a cost-effective way to add new plants to your collection, but there’s something truly special about watching a tiny seed sprout and flourish into a vibrant, living houseplant. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about selecting the best houseplant seeds, proper sowing techniques, essential seedling care, and transplanting tips to ensure successful indoor seed starting.

How to Choose the Best Houseplant Seeds for Indoor Growing


When it comes to choosing houseplant seeds, it’s essential to consider factors like light requirements, care needs, and growth rates. Some varieties are better suited for beginner gardeners than others. Here are 15 easy-to-grow houseplant seeds that are perfect for those just starting out:

  1. Peace Lily Seeds: Peace lilies are known for their ability to thrive in low-light conditions, making them an excellent choice for indoor spaces.
  2. Snake Plant Seeds: Snake plants are incredibly low-maintenance and can tolerate a wide range of light conditions, from bright to low light.
  3. Chinese Evergreen Seeds: Chinese evergreens are beautiful foliage plants that can adapt to various light levels and are relatively drought-tolerant.
  4. Philodendron Seeds: Philodendrons are popular houseplants due to their easy care requirements and ability to purify indoor air.
  5. Pothos Seeds: Pothos plants are virtually indestructible and can grow in a variety of conditions, making them an excellent choice for beginners.
  6. Spider Plant Seeds: Spider plants are known for their unique appearance and ease of propagation, making them a great option for those looking to expand their collection.
  7. Zebra Plant Seeds: Zebra plants are striking foliage plants with distinctive striped leaves and can tolerate a range of light conditions.
  8. Peperomia Seeds: Peperomias come in a variety of shapes and patterns, and they’re relatively low-maintenance, making them perfect for indoor gardening novices.
  9. Jade Plant Seeds: Jade plants are succulent varieties that are incredibly drought-tolerant and can thrive in bright, direct light.
  10. Begonia Seeds: Begonias are known for their vibrant blooms and come in a wide range of colors, making them a beautiful addition to any indoor garden.
  11. Oxalis Seeds: Oxalis plants are often referred to as “shamrocks” due to their distinctive leaf shapes, and they’re relatively easy to grow indoors.
  12. Nerve Plant Seeds: Nerve plants, also known as fittonias, are striking foliage plants with intricate veining patterns and prefer indirect light.
  13. Kalanchoe Seeds: Kalanchoes are succulent plants that are easy to care for and produce beautiful clusters of flowers in various colors.
  14. African Violet Seeds: African violets are beloved for their delicate blooms and ease of care, making them a popular choice for indoor gardeners.
  15. Coleus Seeds: Coleus plants are prized for their vibrant, eye-catching foliage and can thrive in a range of light conditions.

When choosing houseplant seeds, it’s always best to purchase from reputable sources to ensure high germination rates and healthy plants. Many online retailers and local nurseries offer a wide selection of high-quality seeds to choose from.

Setting Up the Ideal Indoor Seed Starting Setup


Proper setup is crucial for successful indoor seed starting. Here’s what you’ll need:

Containers and Growing Mediums

Houseplant seeds can be started in a variety of containers, from seed trays to recycled plastic containers. Whatever you choose, ensure there are adequate drainage holes to prevent waterlogged soil. For the growing medium, use a well-draining seed starting mix or make your own by combining equal parts perlite, vermiculite, and coconut coir or quality potting soil.

Light Sources

Most houseplant seeds require ample light to germinate and grow properly. If you have a sunny, south-facing window, you can use natural light. Otherwise, invest in a quality grow light setup or place your seedlings under fluorescent lights for 12-16 hours per day.

Humidity and Temperature Control

Many houseplant seeds thrive in warm, humid conditions. Consider using a humidity tray or mini greenhouse dome to maintain consistent moisture levels. Aim for temperatures between 65°F and 75°F for optimal germination and growth.

For those looking to take their seed starting setup to the next level, consider building your own DIY Indoor Greenhouse. This project can enhance your ability to control the growing environment for your seeds, offering a perfect blend of humidity, light, and temperature.

Proper Sowing Techniques for Houseplant Seeds

houseplants Seeds Sowing-Techniques

Timing is everything when it comes to sowing houseplant seeds indoors. Start your seeds 6-8 weeks before the last expected frost date in your area. Here’s how to properly sow your seeds:

  1. Fill your containers with moistened seed starting mix, leaving about an inch from the top.
  2. Sow the seeds according to the recommended depth on the seed packet, usually around 1/4 inch deep.
  3. Space the seeds evenly, allowing for proper air circulation and growth.
  4. Gently cover the seeds with more seed starting mix.
  5. Use a misting bottle or bottom watering to moisten the soil without disturbing the seeds.
  6. Label each container with the plant variety and sowing date for easy tracking.
  7. Cover the containers with a humidity dome or plastic wrap to maintain moisture.

Within a week or two, you should start to see tiny sprouts emerging from the soil – a sure sign of successful germination!

Essential Seedling Care for Strong Houseplant Growth


Once your seeds have germinated, it’s important to provide the proper care to ensure healthy, vigorous growth. Here are some key tips:

Moisture and Air Circulation

Monitor the soil moisture levels carefully, keeping the mix evenly moist but not saturated. Avoid letting the soil dry out completely. Provide ample air circulation by using a small fan or opening windows periodically to prevent damping off and other diseases.

Light Requirements

As your seedlings grow, adjust their light sources accordingly. If using natural light, rotate the containers regularly to ensure even growth. If using grow lights, raise the lights as the plants get taller, maintaining a distance of 2-4 inches from the tops of the plants.

For more on caring for low-light plants, see our Ultimate Guide to Large Low-Light Indoor Plants.

Gentle Fertilization

Once the first set of true leaves emerges, you can begin fertilizing your seedlings with a gentle, diluted fertilizer solution. Look for a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper dilution and application.

For those interested in sustainable practices, explore eco-friendly options such as homemade compost and fertilizer for nurturing your seeds.

Thinning Out Seedlings

If you notice your seedlings are overcrowded, it’s important to thin them out to prevent competition for resources. Use a pair of scissors or snips to remove the weaker, smaller seedlings, leaving the strongest ones spaced about 2-3 inches apart.

Transplanting Houseplant Seedlings into New Containers


As your seedlings continue to grow, you’ll need to transplant them into larger containers to accommodate their developing root systems. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Signs of Readiness: Watch for signs that your seedlings are outgrowing their starter containers, such as roots poking out of the drainage holes or the plants becoming root-bound.
  2. Preparation: Choose a container with adequate drainage holes and fill it with a high-quality potting mix.
  3. Transplanting Technique: Gently remove the seedlings from their starter containers, being careful not to damage the roots. Plant them in the new container at the same depth they were growing previously, and firm the soil around the base.
  4. Acclimatization: Gradually expose your transplanted seedlings to their new environment, allowing them to adjust to any changes in light, temperature, or humidity levels.

Transplanting can be a stressful process for young plants, so be sure to handle them with care and provide ample water and proper care during the transition.

Ongoing Care for Maturing Houseplants


As your houseplants mature, their care needs will change. Here are some tips for keeping your plants healthy and thriving:

Light, Water, and Temperature

Adjust your houseplants’ light exposure, watering schedules, and temperature conditions according to their specific needs. Most houseplants prefer bright, indirect light, consistent moisture (without being waterlogged), and temperatures between 65°F and 80°F.


Established houseplants benefit from regular fertilization to replenish the nutrients in the soil. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every 2-4 weeks during the growing season, following the manufacturer’s instructions for proper application.

Grooming and Pruning

Regular grooming and pruning can help maintain your houseplants’ shape and encourage healthy growth. Remove any dead or damaged leaves or stems, and prune back leggy growth to promote bushier plants.

Pest and Disease Management

Keep an eye out for common houseplant pests like spider mites, mealybugs, and aphids, as well as fungal diseases like powdery mildew or root rot. Address any issues promptly with appropriate treatments or preventative measures.


Many houseplants can be easily propagated from stem cuttings or division, allowing you to expand your collection or share plants with friends and family. Research the best propagation methods for your specific plant varieties.

Reiterate the Rewarding Experience

Growing houseplants from seeds is a truly rewarding experience, allowing you to witness the incredible journey from a tiny seed to a vibrant, living plant. With the right knowledge, tools, and care, anyone can successfully cultivate their own indoor garden.

Remember, patience and consistency are key when starting houseplants from seeds. Don’t get discouraged if your first attempts aren’t perfect – indoor gardening is a learning process, and with time and practice, you’ll develop a green thumb for nurturing thriving houseplants.

If you’re a beginner looking to expand your indoor garden, consider trying your hand at some of the 10 Easy-Care Houseplants we’ve covered previously. Happy planting!